Friday, 7 October 2011

Other Forms of Advertising For Our Film

The trailer which we are producing is a very important aspect of advertising for the film industry, this is vital as it shows the main gripping story line to our audience. This results in the audience being attracted to view the film, which is obviously the whole aim of the production. Some distributors see the trailer as so important to the extent that they create 'special footage' just to entice the audience even more, this has been done in the 'Terminator 2: Judgement Day' trailer, they have added extra footage of special effects just for the trailer (footage purely for advertising purposes and does not exist in the film itself). From our project of making a trailer, we are hoping to make the audience interested in actually seeing the film, this will be done through the use of the most exciting and noteworthy parts in our film, without giving away the ending, causing the audience being left on a cliff-hanger. These techniques would be the most effective for the type of trailer we wish to produce.

Other forms of advertising that we are going to go on and make after the trailer would be an advertising poster. Posters are viewed as an important form of advertising due to it accessibility to the public, as you don’t have to go out and seek it, they come to you in many different forms. Posters can be seen on: buses, magazines, handouts (leaflets), billboards, and on the side of building etc… This small example shows how publicized posters have become; this as a result makes them a very effective way of advertising as it would catch the public’s eye.  As well as that the poster would reach the mass audience, rather than those who going seeking for the trailer itself. Although posters don’t provide as much information about the plot as a trailer would, they are still a useful form of advertising when it comes to making your film known about. The use of a magazine cover is also something that we are going to be designing; this is because the use of a magazine is another method used for wide spread advertising. It would be particularly useful for a cover advertisement on a film magazine, for example ‘Totalfilm’, ‘Sight and Sound’, and ‘Empire’ magazine, as the people who purchase the magazine are interested in films, and hence the perfect target audience for our advertising.

These 3 different forms of advertising is something that I am going to link together all the way throughout the production of each individual piece. Through linking the pieces together it will make the other components stronger and more noticeable. Overall what I aim to achieve throughout making these different forms of advertising is a strong form of advertising for a variety of people.

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