Monday 3 October 2011

Audience Feedback of our Practice Short Film

After filming and showing our short film to an audience (of roughly 15 A2 media students) the feedback that we received from this was very positive. One of the most common things that the audience liked about our film was the atmosphere that was created through the use of no colour and the background music that ran throughout it. This feedback is useful for when considering our main film project as it gives us as a team more of an idea what is most effective in the filming area. The audience felt that it worked well as the lack of colour emphasised the solemn tone of the film. This technique was done on purpose, and it is useful to know that it fulfilled its intention. However, this tactic would need to be adapted to whatever genre of film we intend to do as our main project, e.g. a comedy would most likely be done in colour to reflect the atmosphere that the audience would expect from such a film. On the other hand the audience did not think that the pacing was right as in some areas of the film it was slower than it needed to be. Although this was done so that it would go well with the pacing of the rest of the film and have a reflection upon the slow pace of the homeless woman’s life. However this would be something that we would need to think into great detail about when planning our main film project. Overall the audience feedback was useful for pointing out the ups and downs of our practice short film from an audience perspective and is something that we will take into consideration for the rest of the project.

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