Monday 3 October 2011

Practice Short Film Planning

As a start to our Media Studies coursework we are going to produce a practice short film. This is going to be done with the intention that it would lead to us having a great deal of audience feedback on our initial ideas, this will help us build upon our final film. The likes and dislikes that the audience feel towards this practice film will help us establish better ideas that would appeal toward the audience. This is the planning for our practice film:
Title: “Day in the Life.”
Plot:  Our short film is about a day in the life of a homeless woman, as we watch her about her daily routine the audience becomes more involved and grows to be sympathetic with her and her situation in life.
Characters: Homeless Woman,
                                and Bystanders.
Team Roles: Acting - Nicole (Homeless Woman), Zoë (Bystander), Miguel (Bystander), and me (Bystander)
                                Editing – Miguel
                                Filming – Zoë and myself.
Music – Mad World, by Gary Jules. There would be no other sound (e.g. no speech)
Other Features - the film is going to be fully in black and white
                                - and the transition in-between the scenes are faded into one and other.

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