Friday 2 March 2012

Research for Magazine Film Magazine Front Cover

The next form of advertising for our film trailer that I am going to produce is a magazine front cover, as this is a vital way of accessing the public and making our film known about to the right group of people, as people who would buy a film magazine would be interested in films and hence they become the perfect audience for our advertising. Before I begin designing this form of advertisement it is important to research into other existing film magazines, this is so that I learn of the basic techniques that are used as well as knowing what is required on such a piece.

What attracted me most about this film magazine is how the image overlaps the actual name of the magazine; however it is not completely covered. This technique used is effective due to the fact that it makes the photo standout, this is an important quality that I would want my film magazine to have, this is because it focuses on the film advertising, this is obviously what I am hoping to achieve by doing this piece. This photo is of the main character from the film advertised, this is I have noticed with other film magazines as well, this demonstrates how it is not usual for a scene or numerous characters to be on the front page, this technique is something that I intend on doing on my own product. The title of the film is also a main focus point for this front page due to its large font, this makes it eye catching. This front page also has tags saying what other articles are going to be inside of the magazine, this selling technique is effective as it makes the audience want to read more. The way it says '10 coolest movies being made right now!', this is something that a movie fanatic would want to read about, but with the exclamation mark at the end, it makes it seem more exciting and thrilling, this is also done with other words on the page such as 'EXTRA!' and 'SNEAKY!'. The text that says 'world exclusive' is further advertising for both the magazine and the film as it shows this magazine as being the only magazine having information on this film. This front page also shows other pictures of what is going to be inside the magazine, this along with all of the other techniques used, makes this an eye catching and interesting film magazine.

This different film magazine front cover is seen to have the same techniques as the one above, this demonstrates how there is a set format that the majority of magazines undertake. However there are some differences that makes this magazine individual and interesting, these similiarites and differences are outline below:

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